Calculated Health
Healthcare data experts with Quality in our DNA.

What we do ...

Calculated Health is a social enterprise focused on making health data ACTIONABLE and INSIGHTFUL to improve outcomes, reduce costs and advance research. Our team is passionate about harnessing the power of data to improve the quality of care for patients, clinicians and payers.


Democratizing care data


Accelerating and automating


Care insights to actions

Democratizing care data with a unified data model

One of the issues facing the health care industry today is the large data sets spread across multiple systems. A patient's care data is spread across multiple health systems causes heath care professionals to struggle getting a full view of the patient's health.

A unified data model can help democratize care data by breaking down data silos and making it more accessible and usable across the healthcare organization.

By using a single data model, healthcare providers can improve data quality and consistency, reduce errors, and increase collaboration among different departments and care teams.

A unified data model can also support better data governance, including data security, privacy, and compliance with regulations such as HIPAA.

Accelerating care insights through automation and orchestration

Healthcare data doesn't move fast enough today, particularly when it comes to care data. High-latency data means timely insights are difficult to produce resulting in less effective care outcomes.

Automation and orchestration can help healthcare organizations accelerate the analysis and delivery of care insights, improving patient outcomes and experiences.

By automating routine tasks such as data collection, cleaning, and analysis, healthcare providers can focus on more complex tasks such as diagnosis and treatment planning.

Orchestration tools can integrate data from different sources, such as electronic health records and claims system, to create a comprehensive picture of a patient's health and support personalized care.

Converting health care insights into quality actions

Taking action on your insights leads to improved patient care and outcomes. By using data and and precise metrics to inform decision-making, healthcare professionals can make more accurate and effective choices about treatment and care.

Converting healthcare insights into actions is a critical step in improving patient outcomes and experiences, as well as optimizing the use of resources.

By using analytics and machine learning tools, healthcare providers can identify patterns and trends in data and translate them into actionable insights.

These insights can then inform clinical decision-making, resource allocation, patient engagement strategies, and other operational improvements that can have a significant impact on the quality and efficiency of care.

What we do ...

Calculated Health is a social enterprise focused on making health data actionable and insightful to improve outcomes, reduce costs and advance research. Our team is passionate about harnessing the power of data to improve the quality of care for patients, clinicians and payers. We have built a product strategy focused on optimizing outcomes for the value-based health care industry built on our experience in the health care industry.
Combining our deep understanding of clinical data with our proprietary Health Insights Engine, Neuron, we deliver comprehensive, timely and reliable care data solutions that optimizes outcomes of the value-based healthcare industry.

Our goal is to empower Health Care organizations to address gaps in care, improve health outcomes, and reduce the medical costs associated with an un-managed or under-managed patient population.

Democratizing Care Data

One of the issues facing the health care industry today is the large data sets spread across multiple systems. A patient's care data is spready across multiple providers or health systems causing Heath Care professionals to struggle getting a full view of the patient's health.

Neuron tackles the issue of distributed data across systems by defining data patterns across health system (e.g. use of opioids from multiple providers, dangerous drug interactions, barrier between PCP and Emergency Care etc.)

The Neuron engine collects large swaths of healthcare data into our Unified Data Model allowing insights to be unlocked and shared even if the original source system’s themselves may not facilitate the sharing of data outside the environment. This allows Care Data and insights to be shared and accessible across Health Care organizations and partners.

Accelerating and Automating

Healthcare data doesn't move fast enough today, particularly when it comes to care data. High-latency data means timely insights are difficult to produce resulting in less effective care outcomes. Calculated Health accelerates the speed of insights in care data with the processing power and configurability of Neuron. The results are meaningful clinical and care insights produced quickly and efficiently accelerating your data in a way that makes it relevant and impactful.

After accelerating your data our goal is to automate use of that data within your network. We do this through scheduled calculation of derivative insights as needed, automating the integration of data into clinical systems and business workflows, and to vendor partners to improve health and business outcomes.

Healthcare Insights into Actions

Neuron identifies data insights such as inefficiencies or areas for improvement allowing them to be addressed turning insights-into-action. This frees up healthcare professionals to focus on streamlining processes and reduce unnecessary spending.

It is important to turn healthcare insights into actions because this leads to improved patient care and outcomes. By using data and insights to inform decision-making, healthcare professionals can make more informed and effective choices about treatment and care.

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